Thursday, October 20, 2011

Who am I?

As a person, it's hard to find yourself. It's even harder when you you have no parents. You wonder where you were born, when you were born, you wonder what you looked like as a child. I'm 18 years old, I don't know my parents, I don't know my grandparents, I don't know any of my aunts, uncles or cousins. I was abandoned when I was two years old. My parents were addicted to drugs and alcohol, I was placed into Foster home after Foster Home. When I was three I found a home, I found two people who loved me. I found my new family. Trying to do a family tree in Anthropology today was hard. I kep questioning myself and the family that I had. Then my boyfriend reasured me that I have family and friends who care about me deeply. I realized right then and there that I didn't care if I knew them or not, I was okay with not know, I was okay with the person that I have become. I know who I am, I know what I was brought here for and I know what I live for.

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